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Selected Meeting Minutes
Village Board Special Meeting
Sep 18, 2013
PDF Version: 32491_2013-Sep-18_Village Board Special Meeting.pdf


Village of Dorchester Board Meeting

Clerk’s Office, 228 W. Washington Ave, Dorchester WI

Wednesday, September 18, 2013 7:00 PM


1. Call meeting to order.

The meeting was called to order by Pres. Rau at 7:02. PM

2. Pledge of Allegiance.

Pledge of Allegiance was said.

3. Roll Call.


President Wayne Rau Darin Kussrow Kurt Schwoch

Mike Seubert Karen Dunlap Deb Koncel

Daniella Schauer


Dean Faude Rick Golz Jesse Rieck

Police Chief Gary Leichtman Kevin O’Brien – TP Printing Anita Delwiche

Val Heins - as Secretary

4. Discuss and possible action on Employee Health Insurance.

Pres. Rau stated Chief Leichtman is not eligible for Union as he hold "Chief" title. The board needs to determine if to have "Supervisors", and if yes, then need to decide if they can participate in the union. These decisions determine if considering Central States Health Insurance or discuss Security Health options. Discussion was also held on the 3-year contract option by Central States. It was understood that if payment stops, Coverage stops. Union dues, however, still have to be paid to the end of the year or until end of contract was uncertain.

No motion or decision was on the table regarding "Supervisor" title and allowing to participate in Union. Pres. Rau stated the 2 options from Security Health are 12 months with 2.99% increase or 14 month, 6.65% delaying affordable Health Care Act increase until after December 1, 2014.

Trustee Kussrow made a motion to approve Supervisor title and participate in the Union. Pres. Rau asked three (3) times for a second, no second was voiced. Pres. Rau then stated due to no second, the motion was denied.

Trustee Dunlap made a motion to approve the 14 month Security Health insurance proposal from Hedlund Insurance. Trustee Koncel seconded. 6/1, motion approved.

Trustee Schwoch gave the following Employee Committee recommendation:

Change premium payments from 80/20 to 75/25, and pay insurance covered employees 2% wage increase to cover the employee 25% insurance cost. A motion was made by Trustee Seubert, seconded by Trustee Koncel to approve change of 80/20 to 75/25 with Village contributing 2% wage increase to offset Employee Insurance increase for 2014. Motion carried.

5. Discuss and possible action on Memorial Hall Insurance.

Trustee Kussrow stated the current quote from DSB Agency as $1,118.00 and covers everything. Pres. Rau stated Senior Citizens Bowling and Mixed Couple League should generate $6,000-$7,000, and there was a recent $1,000 donation for the Memorial Hall. A motion was made by Trustee Schauer, seconded by Trustee Schwoch, to approve DSB Insurance coverage to Memorial Hall for $1,118.00. Motion carried.

6. Discuss and approve Resolution No. 268, Resolution Authorizing The Issuance And Sale Of Up To $212,138 Water System Revenue Bonds, Series 2013, And Providing For Other Details And Covenants With Respect Thereto, And Approval Of Related $364,931 Financial Assistance Agreement.

Pres. Rau discussed Resolution No. 268 is necessary to complete closing documents for funding. A motion was made by Trustee Koncel, seconded by Trustee Schauer, to approve Resolution No. 268, Resolution Authorizing The Issuance And Sale Of Up To $212,138 Water System Revenue Bonds, Series 2013, And Providing For Other Details And Covenants With Respect Thereto, And Approval Of Related $364,931 Financial Assistance Agreement. Motion carried.

7. Discuss and approve Staab Construction Invoice for Dorchester Dam Repairs $2,765.00

Pres. Rau stated this was the final invoice for repairs on the Dam. A motion was made by Trustee Kussrow, seconded by Trustee Koncel, to approve Staab Construction Invoice for Dorchester Dam Repairs in the amount of $2,765.00. Motion carried.

8. Discuss and approve Morgan & Parmley Ltd. Invoice M&P Project No. 12-165 for $605.00

Pres. Rau stated Morgan & Parmley assisted with some Sewer-related items. These items are not part of the

previous Front Street Project. A motion was made by Trustee Dunlap, seconded by Trustee Koncel, to approve Morgan & Parmley Ltd. Invoice M&P Project No. 12-165 in the amount of $605.00. Motion carried.

9. Discuss and approve Authorizing Resolution Recycling Grants & Responsible Units.

Clerk-Treasurer Heins stated the previous president is listed on the document and updates must be made. The position of Clerk-Treasurer will be listed as this position, and completes the paperwork for both the grant request and final report. Also listing a position instead of naming the contact, the form does not need to be re-done every time an office changes. A motion was made by Trustee Koncel, seconded by Trustee Schwoch, to approve changes on Authorizing Resolution Recycling Grants & Responsible Units. Motion carried.

10. Discuss and approve Resolution No. 256-C, "A Resolution by the Village President and the Village Board for the Village of Dorchester,Authorizing Those Persons Named Therein to Exercise Fiduciary Responsibilities at Advantage Community Bank".

Pres. Rau state Village CDBG checking was added for the current MSA Project. A motion was made by Trustee Schauer, seconded by Trustee Kussrow, to approve Resolution No. 256-C, A Resolution by the Village President and the Village Board for the Village of Dorchester, Authorizing Those Persons Named Therein to Exercise Fiduciary Responsibilities at Advantage Community Bank. Motion carried.

11. Discuss and approve Building Permit application by Charlie Geiger-address:285 N 2nd Street, Dorchester. Purpose: Replace small garage to a bigger garage, approved by Jim Jantsch.

Discussion was held if the area was attached and any electrical work. Bob Christensen, Village Building Inspector will be contacted to review the building. A motion was made by Trustee Kussrow, seconded by Trustee Schauer. to contact Bob Christensen, Village Building Inspector to review the subject building at 285 N 2nd Street, Dorchester. Motion carried.

12. Discuss and approve Building Permit application by Bob & Barb Gonnering-address: 15961 State Hwy 13, Dorchester. Purpose: Building new addition 16x28, approved by Jim Jantsch.

Discussion was held on the new addition. The board will ask Bob Christensen, Village Board Inspector to review the new addition. A motion was made by Trustee Schauer, seconded by Trustee Kussrow, to contact Bob Christensen, Village Building Inspector to review the new addition at 15961 State Hwy 13, Dorchester. Motion carried.

13. Discuss and possible action on truck route.

Anita Delwiche came before the Board to discuss concerns with semi-trucks traveling on 3rd Avenue and possible road damage. The Planning Commission will discuss truck route options and make recommendations to the Village Board.

14. Discuss and possible action on date of next Board meeting.

Next regular Board meeting is set for October 2, 2013 (Wednesday).

15. Adjournment.

A motion was made by Trustee Dunlap, seconded by Trustee Koncel, to adjourn. Motion carried. Meeting was adjourned at 8:30 PM.

Val Heins, Clerk- Treasurer



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